October 3, 2010
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Three Cheers for Crazy Domains

I think it is appropriate that my first blog post be three cheers for Crazy Domains, who host my new site including this blog.

If you’ve seen their ads on Australian TV, you’ll know that their first series of suggestive ads including Pamela Anderson offended some sensitive little flowers, and as a result their ads have been censored. Crazy Domains, to their everlasting credit, simply aired blocked out ads with rather acerbic captions thumbing their noses at the pathetic little bureaucrats who were responsible.

It is a sad commentary on modern attitudes that people taking offense at what other people say or do are given not merely fawning consideration but government force to impose their views. As long as their beliefs are irrational (e.g. religious) or collectivist (e.g. they feel verbally discriminated against) they earn the right to bully other people via their friends in government. Of course, if you are an atheist offended by offensive statements by churchmen, or a supporter of individual rights enraged by politicians self-righteously proclaiming their right to take your money – tough luck.

The world will be a better place when people again appreciate the words attributed to Voltaire: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Now that was a man who deserved the name.

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