October 11, 2010

Legal and Moral Clarity

An interesting statement in a recent post in The Scientist on human embryonic stem cell (“ESC”) rules in the USA: “Other countries have laws that provide researchers with legal and moral clarity.” The assumption that laws can provide any kind of “moral clarity” is a fascinating one. In terms of […]
October 3, 2010


My attention was recently brought to The Tobacco Files, a fearless expose of how the tobacco giants are daring to fund ads in Australia opposing the government’s push for “plain packaging” of cigarettes, the latest in the government’s ceaseless and noble campaign against everything smoking-related (except of course the revenue they […]
September 26, 2010

Three Cheers for Crazy Domains

I think it is appropriate that my first blog post be three cheers for Crazy Domains, who host my new site including this blog. If you’ve seen their ads on Australian TV, you’ll know that their first series of suggestive ads including Pamela Anderson offended some sensitive little flowers, and as […]