In the immortal words of Starship Troopers (originally of a military commander in the 20th century, I believe): “Do you wanna live forever?”
A while ago at our monthly philosophy meetings, my talk was life extension: how for the first time in human history, technology was advancing at a sufficient pace that we can actually see the possibility of meaningful life extension: not just staving off disease until we die of old age (not that I’m complaining about that aspect!), and certainly not extending decrepit old age into increasing decrepitude, but extending how many years we live relatively young and healthy.
Nearly every week I read about discoveries which have the potential to extend our lives by a few more minutes per day. Those minutes are adding up, and if we can reach an extension of lifespan of a day per day – we can potentially ride the technology wave to “eternal life”! And we won’t have to spend our eternity praising some insecure deity to achieve it…
I will be featuring news of these advances as a regular “spot” on these blogs. So stay tuned ?